Achieving a Good Work-Life Balance in Consulting

Management consultants are often faced with the challenge of juggling fluctuating workloads, with projects that can last anywhere from a few weeks to several years. While it may be difficult to achieve a daily or weekly work-life balance in the consulting environment, striving for a broader balance can be beneficial. In the 'big four' consulting or accounting firms - Deloitte, Ernst and Young, KPMG and PwC - 88% of people work overtime, with an average of 10.3 hours. This means that consulting firms have employees who are more willing and able to make compromises between their work and personal life. The complex matrix of factors that contribute to work-life conflict in consulting firms means that employees will continue to struggle with achieving balance.

Work-life balance is an important factor when choosing a position or role in consulting, and it is a fundamental issue for potential consultants. It is also possible to progress up the ladder in the same firm for years. The impact of long consulting hours on employees' physical and mental health can be detrimental to both individuals and companies. As a university student, attending hiring events organized by consulting firms is key in order to establish contacts and connections with these firms. Multiple organizational backgrounds predispose staff to working longer consulting hours, increasing conflicts between work and personal life, and increasing the risk of burnout. Working with clients can be challenging, but at the end of the day, consulting is all about helping others.

Achieving a good work-life balance in consulting is possible if you are willing to make compromises and take steps to ensure your health and wellbeing.

Ernest Oesterling
Ernest Oesterling

Certified tv guru. Passionate social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music buff. . Lifelong tv junkie. Professional food expert.

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